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09 May 2011

Verbs - TO TAKE and some common uses

How many times can you use the verb 'TO TAKE' when describing your daily activities?
Please take the time to let me know if I have overlooked any good examples.
For now take some time and take a look at these common examples below, take note, and then take a chance and use them today.


It's morning. The alarm clock sounds, and I open my eyes a little and take a peek at it. Yes it is indeed time to get up. So I open my eyes wide open, and take a look around the room. I have plenty of time, so I will take my time (not rush) in getting ready.
I think I should take the opportunity to use the bathroom now while it is not occupied (is empty).
I take a pee ( piss is more vulgar).
Somedays I take a poop (crap and shit are more vulgar).
I guess I should take a moment to open the window for some fresh air.
And then I take a shower, since it is quicker than taking a bath.
Let's see, how shall I get to work today? I could take the bus to the office, but today my wife is taking the day off work, so that means I have to take (to drive) our son to his school.
At work, we take a coffee break about 10 am, and then we take a longer break for lunch at noon.
All day long I am very busy taking important telephone calls (answering). I always take calls from my wife immediately.
Sometimes I get tired and I would like to take a rest or take a nap, but I have to keep on working.
While I am working hard, my wife will take advantage of her free day, and take our younger daughter to the beach. I hope she takes some photos of their excursion and takes care / takes precaution not to get too sunburned.
In the evening I can take the short way home, since my wife will pick up our son at school. It usually only takes me about 30 minutes to drive home from work.
My wife will cook a nice dinner. Otherwise I would stop for some take out food, maybe Chineese food.
Perhaps after dinner tonight we will all play a board game. We will each take a turn rolling the dice. Our daughter always quickly covers hers, and asks us to take a guess at what number she got. I always take a chance, but my guess is not usually right.
Or some evenings we take advantage of the good weather and we all take a walk (go for a walk) to the park after dinner.

If you have read this far, congratulations. Now take a deep breath and relax!

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